Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Publisher's Picks: Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Discover Nature’s Most Potent Anti-Inflammatory: Krill Oil
By Michael Cutler, MD
In the ocean surrounding the continent of Antarctica there are millions of tons of a natural resource known for healing a host of ailments and serious health conditions. It's called krill oil, and it's derived from a tiny shrimp-like crustacean species called krill.
After years of research and clinical studies, there is now scientific proof to support the evidence of this amazing nutrient's effectiveness in treating high cholesterol... blood pressure problems... aching joints... PMS symptoms... and more.
Not only is krill oil safe and natural, but it's also renewable, since, at best count, up to 600 million tons can be found in the chilly waters off Antarctica.
Why Krill Oil?
The reason krill oil is more effective than other marine oils is because it's full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids and extremely potent antioxidants.1 It's the unique combination of these essential ingredients that provides the greatest health benefits.
Harvested only two months out of the year under responsible fishing regulations, the krill are flash-frozen to maintain the potency of their therapeutic oil.
Benefits of Omega Fatty Acids
Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential for your diet since your body doesn't produce them on its own.
Krill oil contains a healthy balance of omega-3 fatty acid and omega-6 fatty acid -- which helps fight infection. These two fatty acids need each other and work together to prevent other inflammation-related ailments like heart disease, arthritis and diabetes. A healthy balance of these fatty acids helps to prevent blood clotting, lower blood pressure and relieve inflammation.
The Power of Phospholipids
Phospholipids are fats that help keep your cells functioning by providing a protective membrane around each cell to block out toxins and disease-forming free radicals.
The fats found in krill oil most closely resemble the phospholipids found in your brain that are responsible for maintaining the brain chemical that controls your memory, muscle function, mood, sleep patterns and organs like your heart.
The Protection of Antioxidants
Results from laboratory tests show that krill oil contains a powerful cocktail of antioxidants, which are not only beneficial for your continued health, but also sustain the shelf life of the oil.
Krill oil provides you with an ample supply of vitamins A, E and D, plus minerals such as potassium, sodium and zinc. And it also contains large amounts of the B-complex nutrient, choline.
However, the most powerful antioxidant in krill oil is astaxanthin. This nutrient is responsible for fighting free radicals within the body and protecting the blood-brain barrier -- which means it protects the eye, brain and central nervous system from free radical damage.
Krill Oil for Your Aching Joints
If you suffer from creaking, cracking joints... stiff hands and fingers... lingering back pain... or sore swollen legs due to recurrent inflammation, then krill oil may be the miracle you have been searching for!
In a double-blind study,1 45 patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis were administered 300 mg of krill oil. After only seven days, inflammation was reduced by 19 percent, pain was reduced 24 percent, stiffness was reduced by 21 percent and immobility was reduced by 16 percent!
How does this all-natural pain reliever work so well? It's the combination of the trio of anti-inflammatory ingredients -- omega fatty acids, phospholipids and numerous powerful antioxidants.
Ease Your Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
As many as 97 percent of women of reproductive age experience the recurring symptoms of PMS including cramps, water retention, bloating, weight gain and emotional mood swings.1 But krill oil has been proven to relieve your worst symptoms!
In a randomized, double-blind study, researchers in Montreal studied the effects of krill oil on PMS, and patients reported a significant improvement in all 10 physical and mental symptoms examined and measured. The findings show that krill oil can:1
• Ease abdominal pain and uterine cramps.
• Relive nausea, bloating and fatigue.
• Alleviate headaches as well as joint and body aches.
• Lessen PMS-related breast tenderness.
• Improve erratic mood swings and food cravings.
• Help prevent menstrual-related feelings of anxiety, depression and stress.
In fact, the women who consumed krill oil during the study period reported that they took fewer dangerous over-the-counter pain relievers to help with their PMS symptoms.
Reduce Your Chances of Heart Disease
High total cholesterol and high "bad" LDL cholesterol can be major risk factors for heart disease or a fatal heart disaster.
In a clinical study conducted by Canadian researchers from the University of Montreal,1 the findings show that krill oil significantly reduced several risk factors for high cholesterol.
In fact, the results showed a:
• Reduction in total cholesterol by 13 percent.
• Decrease in "bad" LDL cholesterol by 32 percent.
• Reduction in triglycerides by 11 percent.
• Increase in "good" HDL cholesterol by 44 percent.
More Effective Than Standard Fish Oil Supplements
Krill oil has been shown to outperform fish oil supplements when it comes to lowering your bad LDL cholesterol levels. Patients who took 1 to 1.5 grams of krill oil a day -- compared to three times the dose of standard fish oil -- showed a significantly greater decrease in bad cholesterol than the fish oil patients.
In an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) test,1 krill oil was shown to contain 300 times the amount of vitamin A and E, plus 48 times the antioxidant power of standard omega-3 fish oils.
It's no wonder that the manufacturers of fish oil don't want you to hear about this magnificent natural resource -- they would be out of business with results like these!
For much-needed relief from joint pain and PMS symptoms, plus reduced LDL cholesterol levels, I recommend nature's amazing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant remedy -- krill oil. Once you see and feel the results you may never want to take standard fish oil supplements again!
1. The Healing Power of Neptune Krill Oil. Tina Sampalis, M.D., Ph.D., 2005.
[Ed. Note: Michael Cutler, M.D. is a board-certified family physician with more than 17 years of clinical experience. He is a graduate of Brigham Young University and Tulane Medical School. Dr. Cutler's practice focuses on integrative solutions to health problems, and behavioral and nutritional medicine. For more information, visit www.truehealth.com.]
You can also visit my website for supplements that contain Krill Oil: www.health-n-wellness-Herbalbasket.com

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